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Recovery from bark harvesting of 12 medicinal tree species in Benin, West Africa




The growing interest in medicinal plants from both international industry and local markets requires management of tree bark harvesting from natural forests in order to prevent inappropriate exploitation of target species. This study was designed to determine the bark re-growth response of a selected number of medicinal tree species as a basis for the development of an optimal bark harvesting method. In 2004, bark was harvested from 925 trees belonging to 12 species in 38 sites in a dry forest in Benin, West Africa. Two years later, the response of trees to bark harvesting was examined with respect to re-growth (edge or sheet), development of vegetative growth around the wound, and the sensitivity of the wound to insect attack. Two species, Khaya senegalensis and Lannea kerstingii, showed complete wound recovery by edge growth. At the other extreme, Afzelia africana, Burkea africana and Maranthes polyandra had very poor edge growth. M. polyandra showed good sheet growth, whereas the other 11 species had none or poor sheet growth after total bark harvesting. In contrast, partial bark removal allowed better sheet growth in all 12 species studied. Insect sensitivity was species-specific. Insect attacks were negatively correlated with non-recovered wound area, but there was a marked species effect for the same rate of regeneration. L. kerstingii and K. senegalensis had very good and similar re-growth, but L. kerstingii was very susceptible to insect attack, whereas K. senegalensis appeared to be very resistant. Only a few individuals developed vegetative growth, and each tree usually developed only one or two agony shoots, but there was no significant difference between species. Synthesis and applications. This is the first study to provide data on the ability of trees to close wounds after bark harvesting in West Africa. We report large variability in the response of different species to our bark harvesting technique, and identify just two out of the 12 study species as suitable for sustainable bark harvesting. Based on our results, we developed a decisional step method to help forest managers select the best techniques for managing medicinal tree species as an alternative to bark harvesting, for example, coppice management, harvesting leaves instead of bark, stand establishment, and collaboration with timber companies.
机译:对来自国际工业和本地市场的药用植物的日益增长的兴趣要求管理从天然林中收获的树皮,以防止对目标物种的不当开发。本研究旨在确定选定数量的药用树种的树皮再生长响应,以此作为开发最佳树皮收获方法的基础。 2004年,在西非贝宁的一片干燥森林中,从38个地点的12种树种的925棵树中收获了树皮。两年后,研究了树木对树皮收割的反应,包括重新生长(边缘或片状),伤口周围营养生长的发展以及伤口对昆虫侵袭的敏感性。塞内加尔海藻和克氏nea两个物种显示出通过边缘生长而完全恢复伤口。在另一个极端,非洲非洲菊,非洲Burkea和Mar兰Maranthes的边缘生长非常差。 M. polyandra的表皮生长良好,而其他11个树皮在收获全部树皮后没有或没有较弱的表皮生长。相比之下,在所有研究的12个树种中,部分去除树皮可使片材更好地生长。昆虫敏感性是特定物种的。昆虫的攻击与未恢复的伤口面积呈负相关,但是对于相同的再生速率,存在明显的物种效应。 kerstingii和K.senegalensis的繁殖力非常好且相似,但是kerstingii的极易受到昆虫的侵袭,而senegalensis的抵抗力却很高。只有很少的个体发育为营养生长,并且每棵树通常仅生长一到两个痛苦的枝条,但是物种之间没有显着差异。综合与应用。这是第一项提供有关西非树皮收获后树木关闭伤口能力的数据的研究。我们报告了不同物种对树皮收获技术的反应差异很大,并且在12种研究物种中仅发现2种适合可持续树皮收获。根据我们的结果,我们开发了一种决策步骤方法,以帮助森林管理者选择最佳的技术来管理药用树种,以代替树皮收获,例如,小灌木林管理,收获叶子而不是树皮,搭建林分以及与木材合作公司。



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